The Unit 9-28-08

We start out in France, Jonas is doing his thang, trying to sweet talk somebody out of something. The woman who is translating tells the french men that she thinks he's wearing a wire, she then pushes Jonas into the water wear Bob is waiting. Jonas grabs a gun and Mac shoots one of the french guys. Bob and Jonas come up shooting. Everybody dies.

The next scene, we see the woman who was translating, changing in the back of a military air craft. Jonas comes in and introduces himself, and so does everyone else. They banter back and forth, Grey asks if we can keep her, Jonas says she goes back to her own command.

Stateside, we are at the radio station. Tiffy and Molly are discussing Tiffy's divorce and that Mac has been gone five months. Tiffy says she has to surprise him with divorce papers, he's going to fight. Molly says he won't, Tiffy said he's a warrior, when he's challenged he fights. Kim is on the air, and indicating that she is now syndicated in eight markets.

Kim takes a break to go talk to Tiffy and Molly and check on her baby, that is with the nanny in the office. Their get together is shortened by news that the Vice President has been shot.

In the war room, the colonel is getting a briefing while still in crisis. The FBI has shot a man they believe to have been planning an attempt on the President. The Vice President died in Rome. The President is secure. There has been an explosion at the VP elect's home and he is believed to be dead. The President elect's motorcade has also been attacked.

Jonas is on the phone in air. When he gets off the phone he tells the team to load up with whatever we've got, the flight is being diverted. He then gets back on the phone and says his team is himself and three shooters. They'll be on the ground in 10 minutes. The woman on board says she's a shooter too. He says they'll give her a chance.

The team is on the ground. They are looking for the President elect. They find a spike strip. They are looking for the receiver of the lojack that is on the President elect. Bob assessed the situation and says there were eight shooters. Grey finds a trail, and the team goes off looking for the President. They find a badly wounded Secret Service agent. He says "Clint has him" then "they had the code too." He then dies. The find the receiver for the lojack and take his ammo.

Redhat, the new girl, is running the command from a fire tower. She determines they were on their way to NORAD as it was the closest secure bunker. The team runs into a squad patrolling the woods. One of them grew up in the area, and Jonas snags him for the team.

Back on base Molly comes home to find her home being packed up and moved out of her home. The soldier tells her to get inside.

Kim is experiencing the same at her house. A soldier is telling her to pack whatever she'll need for a week, no identification. There are bags for each of the children. The soldier tells her to make sure there is nothing with their names on anything they pack. Kim tells them her baby is sick and has to go to the doctor. They cannot tell them when they are coming home, and instruct Kim to "pack as if you aren't."

Tiffy is seen inside a room waiting, Kim, their new baby Emily, and Molly come in. They discuss that none of them know what is happening, and that they need to pick up the kids from school. A soldier comes in and tells them to put their purses, wallets, cell phones, personal pictures, keys to their houses and cars in the bag.

Back in the woods of Colorado, Redcap calls and informs Jonas that the guy they snagged that grew up around there doesn't officially exist, he's a bogey. They lose communication. Jonas sends the bogey to check out a trailer, who gives it a once over and says it's clear. Jonas commands him to check it out more carefully and he doesn't do anything. The team has surrounded him and Bob punches him in the face at the same time Grey kicks him in the back of the knee, they take him down. Jonas asks why he would sell out his country, he informs him that he is not an American. Jonas then gives Grey the option to hog tie him or shoot him.

They've determined that the entire squad is filled with bogey's and that is how they are going to get out of the area with the President elect, by blending in. Jonas checks out the "surprise" in the trailer. They find two dead men. They also find two dogs missing and wonder why they would take the dogs. Jonas goes back to the bogey that Grey has tied to a tree, he is now speaking a foreign language. Jonas then puts a lot of beef jerky in the guys pockets and tells him he hopes the bears get to him before he returns.

The tracks lead off in one direction, the lojack in another. Mac takes the lojack while Bob and Jonas follow the tracks. Jonas then calls the Colonel and tells him that he needs all men in uniform out of the area. The Colonel tells him that it will be a big operation pulling them all out and wants to know why. Jonas tells him he won't say on the line, and adds that he's going to start shooting anyone he sees in uniform. They blow up the trailer for "misdirection."

Back on base there is a medic checking out baby Emily. A suit comes in and Kim tells him that she needs a pediatrician. He says they don't have time.

Mac finds the lojack tied to a dog. Jonas reports his position to Redcap, while they are mapping it, one of her team is shot. Redcap is getting shot at, she takes the dead guy as cover, ties a rope to him, uses him as a decoy and sneaks out the back. She ends up shooting the guy.

Back at base they've gotten a pediatrician, the kids have been brought in from school. The baby needs an antibiotic drip. The Colonel comes in and says Kim has to give them the baby and go with him. He takes the women into the office and tells them they are being relocated. They need to send the children, including the baby to go and live with relatives. He explained that the breech in the Vice Presidents protection had killed himself four hours ago, they had also found his wife and kids dead. They tracked the man who had killed the family and in his hotel room they found video of all the women at their homes, walking with the baby.

They are then given new identities.

Jonas and the team have found the President elect. He determines that they are loyal Americans and agrees to go with them. Jonas explains that they are going to have to walk out. Then people start shooting at them. I think Bob gets hit, but only in the vest. The team gets back to the house they'd passed on the way. Explaining that the bogey's have stopped shooting because they are surrounding the team and the team will need to make their stand.

Redcap runs into Mac, and they MacGyver together a fingerprint kit to send the prints of the shooter to the D.O.D. Redcap says that her radio is dead.

Kim is saying bye to the kids and telling them to be good for Grandma.

Back in the cabin the boys have put the President elect into a cast iron tub and given him all of the vests to "cover what's important" Grey says they only have .22 rounds and the bogey's will be wearing Kevlar. Jonas tells him he'd better shoot them in the head. Bob finds a bow and arrow which will apparently go through Kevlar. The bogey's are getting close, Grey has found some black powder and is making an IED. Tells the team to aim at the head and the groin. Bob shoots one with a bow and several others start firing at the house. There is an exchange of gunfire inside the house, Grey throws the IED and it explodes in the house. One of the bogey's is the first up, Jonas is laying on top of the President elect in the tub when Mac comes in and kills the last bogey. Bob comes in right behind him.

Back on base Tiffy is telling the girls they have to go live with Grandma when Mac and the rest of the team walk in. Mac comes in and kisses Tiffy. Jonas tells Molly they are going to the "mattresses". Everyone is sleeping inside the unit tonight. Mac asks Tiffy why she isn't wearing her wedding ring. She said she left in on the dresser and the MP's took everything. Mac grabs her knee and no one says anything.

Kim tells Bob that Emily has her eyes and looks like Bob's sister. Kim says she has lots of pictures, but they were all taken away.

The next morning Bob is going through all his boxes looking for a baby picture. Mac comes in looking through his boxes to find Tiffy's ring. (We all know what he finds) He finds the picture of Tiffy with the Colonel. Bob then sees it. Mac is going through his stuff for his throw away gun. Bob asks where he's going, to a trial and execution. Mac asks if he wants to come or just read about it. Bob and Mac then get into a fist fight. Bob tells him to take it to the team.

Tiffy storms into the Colonel's office and says her and Mac are divorcing and she's taking the girls. He tells her that the kids will have to stay with their father. He tells her that these people kill their own children, do you think they won't kill yours.

At the Unit hideout in the woods, Mac is drinking. He explains that it is Unit Code that if an officer sleeps with a shooters wife, that officer must be executed. Jonas tells Mac that his mission is secondary to the current attack on the country. Mac agrees to put it off with the promise that there will be a trial.

The Unit is gathered where the Colonel is briefing them that the incidents were not in public view, so the Vice President was killed by a lone deranged gunman, the Vice President elect was killed by an accidental explosion. The line of succession is now secure. He further informs them that because they were out of the country for so long they are the only team that has been vetted for duty. Redcap says she's joined the team, would like the Colonel to approve it. He informs her that there are no women in the Unit, which the enemy knows and that he could use here. The team obviously disgusted with the Colonel can't wait to get out of there, he gives them their marching orders and says they are to answer only to him.

Redcap boards the bus that is taking the women to their new location. They ask if she's part of the Unit, she says there are no women in the Unit and tells them they are not going to a base. She assigns each of them new identities, and tells them to memorize their cover and forget the truth, there is only one truth, the cover. The lives they had before are over.

Desperate Housewives 9-28-08

Mary Alice takes us back to where we left off, five years ago, (how brilliant is this?????)Susan had a baby. Discussing another mom who had a baby girl in the next room, the mom's name was Lila and chronicled all of the times they almost met. The night they met, Susan and Mike were going out to celebrate their anniversary, and Lila and her daughter were going out for ice cream. When a missing stop sign brought them together. They got into a wreck that appears to have killed Mike.

Gabi, has become a mother, and chunky. She has chunky girls.

Bree is running a successful catering business along with her son and her frenemy Katherine.

Preston and Porter have broken into the Scavo's restaurant for gambling and drinking.

Susan is sleeping with someone and kicking him out. She is hiding him from her friends and son.

Next scene shows a man out of the blue handing a guy a LOT of money to buy him out of his lease. He hands him another bundle of cash and tells him to leave. The tenant explains he has no place else to go, but the mystery man helps him leave. He then goes to a car and says, "All taken care of Mrs. Williams," the window rolls down and it's Edie, who says "Why thank you, Mr. Williams."

The next morning Edie goes out and washers her car ala Edie. Lynette is the first to notice and calls everyone. They all go over to catch up. Edie tells them all she has a husband now. The obvious next question, asked by Susan is "whose?" Edie asks Gabi what happened to her, Gabi explains that she had two children. Edie says "what, for breakfast?" and her new husband tells her to be nice.

Carlos and Gabi fight over their daughter's weight, while Carlos is loading her up with cheese.

The Scavo's are fighting over the boys' behavior. Some things never change. Lynette finds out that instead of lecturing them about their behavior he is laughing it up with them. They then go on to fight over all of their other crimes. Tom tells her she's over reacting and un-grounds them for the homecoming dance.

The next scene is a party where Gabi's daughter, Juanita is having her second piece of cake. A very large piece. Gabi then over hears other mothers talking about how Gabi is one of "those" mothers.

Susan is making out with her mystery man, and turns out it's her painter, and Lynette walks in on them. The painter slips out the window and is caught on camera phone in his undies by the gay couple next door. Lynette came to complain about her boys.

Gabi is trying to get her daughter to go and play in the park, Juanita is downing a juice box and has cake all over her face. Gabi, makes her daughter chase after the car all the way home.

Bree and Katherine are fighting about whose recipes and whose, and Katherine is upset that Bree didn't include her in the book. They then fight over the finer points of minced flat vs. minced curly leafed parsley.

Lynnette breaks the news that they are ungrounded. She says they trust them, so much so that they get to take their dad's convertible to homecoming. He tries to convince them that they'd be better of in mom's car. She says that's an uncool car, especially after the dent they put in it. It's much cooler to show up in the convertible. Tom tries to lay down some ground rules. Lynnette tells them to just have fun.

Bree is doing an interview for tv, where they ask Katherine how it really is to work with Bree. Katherine "hurts" her wrist and asks Bree to finish off her "special" piece. A piece that Katherine contends is really her creation. And on live tv, Bree splashes the host in the eye with liquid sugar.

Gabi and Carlos continue to fight over Juanita's weight. Gabi admits that she doesn't feel beautiful. Carlos says she will always be beautiful. And that he sees her face every time he kisses her.

Back to the kitchen where Bree has made the sugar netting for her dessert and in finishing it, she catches it on her jewelry and turns it into a disaster. Katherine comes in and tries to do it despite her injury.

Back on the Scavo front porch, the 'rents are fighting over the boys being late. Tom is worried about his precious convertible and how he spent so much time restoring it. Lynnette says they have to be in sync in order to properly parent the boys. Who show up then, Tom then comes down on the hard and grounds them for a month. They say he's only worried about his car, at which point Tom goes and kicks off the mirror, which he was doing for effect because the mirror was already scratched and he'd already ordered a new one.

The next scene we see Edie and her new husband talking to Mrs. McCluskey at the Scavo's restaurant. Susan has run into her "painter". Edie and the other girls are fighting over whether the party is a "we're sorry" or a "we forgive you" party. Mr. Williams comes in to break it up. Susan's painter then starts to sing Karaoke "I wanna be your boyfriend" Susan then trips the breaker. She pulls him off stage and he wants to know why she's hiding him. She tells him he doesn't want to be in a relationship, maybe she doesn't deserve to be happy. She then tells him about the accident.

Edie and her husband are fighting over why they had to come back to Wisteria Lane. She says she never should have let him talk her into it.

Susan and the painter decide to take it slow.

Bree is at home teaching herself to make the dessert that she failed to do on tv, when she comes across a sippy cup. It flashes back to where Danielle comes to claim her son, Bree tells her that "Orson is gone, you kids are grown, Benjamin is all I have." Back in the present Orson interrupts and says she needs to come to bed as it is after 2:00 in the morning. She tells him that the cooking show has agreed to redo her segment and she needs to get it right.

The next morning Susan is in her kitchen reliving the accident. She looks out of the window and sees Mike. He comes in and asks if MJ is ready. They flash back to a fight that they had about getting the breaks fixed, and the family they killed. Mike says that they didn't kill them, they died and then shows him walking out on her. Then we get to endure the awkward ex living room I might be dating someone talk. She then pulls out a picture of her, Mike and their son.

We then get the narration, wrapping up the show. Mr. Williams answers a phone call, from his doctor. His doctor reminds him that a condition of his release is to check in once a month. He promises to. The doctor then views a video tape of Dave, Mr. Williams, asking what he needs to say to get released. The doctor says he needs to get his rage under control. The audio from the tape continues to play as he walks out of his house and looks down Wisteria lane. The doctor says he wants to make sure that he isn't a threat to himself or others, Dave says he's not a threat to himself and as for the others, there is only one person who should be afraid.

The Amazing Race 9-28-08

The teams start out at the Los Angeles Coliseum. Everybody showing up in their matching outfits, 'cept the frat boys. Phil goes over the rules, in case someone has never seen the show.

The first clue sends them to Salvador, Brazil. They don't indicate how much money they got.

On the first flight.
The Geeks, Mark and Bill
Mom and Dad, Ken and Tina
Terence and Sarah
Brother and Sister, Nick and Starr
Aja and Ty
Kelly and Christy

Scheduled to arrive three hours before
On the second flight.
Mom and son, Toni and Dallas
The Frat Boys, Andrew and Dan
The Hippies Anita and Arthur
Marisa and Brook
Anthony and Stephanie

The first flight is delayed in Rio, but still arrives first. They are looking for a sandwich shop. They must drive a cart filled with candy through a busy street market. The teams liken it to the worst shopping cart ever. Kelly and Christy end up with the bad cabbie and get hopeless lost.

The next clue sends them to a Brazilian military base where they will spend the night outdoors under mosquito netting. They will sign up for one of three buses the next morning 45 minutes apart.

9:00 bus has
Terence and Sarah
Nick and Starr
The Geeks
Ken and Tina

9:30 bus has
Aja and Ty
Kelly and Christy
The Frat Boys

9:45 bus has
Mom and Son
The Hippies
Marisa and Brooke
Anthony and Stephanie

Terence is the first whiner at the mini pit stop. Sarah is networking and he wants her to "connect with me." Starr was flirting with someone I think it was Dallas.

After they get off the bus they have to take a taxi to a church. However, it is difficult to find a taxi, and more whining about how people aren't nice. They all walk by the detour clue. The choices are Hard Way Up, or Soft Way Down.

In Hard Way Up the teams have to climb a staircase, Escadario de Paso, on their hands and knees and answer a spiritual question. If they get the question wrong they have to go down and do it again.

In Soft Way Down. They have to go to the top of a building and climb down a rope netting 240 feet. There can only be three teams on the netting at one time. The first team there misses a critical clue and goes up the elevator and not through the marked doorway to the service stairs. All teams choose this one, except for the Frat Boys who climb the stairs and get have to answer "How many steps have you climbed?" They guess for and get it wrong. The next time they guess 53 and get it right.

They need to go to the Pit Stop. First there was Nick and Starr. As the winners of this leg of the race they win a trip from Travelocity to Belize. The last team to arrive is the Hippies.

What's on TV tonight? 9/28/08


Dexter - Season Premiere - "Our Father" Dexter targets a dope dealer who is also in the sights of ADA Miguel Prado: Internal Affairs puts pressure on Debra.


Simpsons (that show is still on?)
King of the Hill
Family Guy
American Dad


2 Hours Extreme Makeover: Home Edition - A single mother of four who took in her sister's 10 children after her death takes her brood to Florida on a vacation while the crew makes over the home donated to them by the community. Jennifer Hudson and Chris Cooley appear. Designers Paul DiMeo and Paige Hemmis

Desperate Housewives - "You're Gonna Love Tomorrow" Susan tries to hide her new relationship: Gaby doubts her abilities as a mom. ****Apparently we've jumped ahead five years. BRILLIANT****

Brothers and Sisters - "Glass Houses" Justin and Rebbecca try unsuccessfully to hide their feelings.


NFL Football - Philadelphia at Chicago


The Amazing Race - Season 13 Premiere

Cold Case - "Glory Days" New evidence prompts the team to reopen the 1973 case of a murdered football player, whose death may have been linked to a steroid cover-up.

The Unit - "Sacrifice" While women are being secretly relocated and moved off the base for their own safety. Jonas and the team must unravel an assassination plot against the vice president and the president elect.

And I must reiterate, football early in the day sometimes goes long. If you want to be sure to see all of your favorite shows DVR the entire night. If not, check back tomorrow to find out what I've watched. Hint TAR 13 and The Housewives.