The Amazing Race Season 13

New season starts September 28, 2008. Let's all let out a collective "finally". You can go here to find out all that CBS has to say about the new season. I, personally, cannot wait. It will be on Sunday's so set your DVR's and Tivo's for the entire night. WE all have experienced the joys of missing half the show because football went long.

In case you ever forget, come on back and I will tell you all about it. Who I like, who I don't. Who's my guess to win.

Until then, let me know who you love from seasons past. My faves are

Oswald and Danny aka Cha Cha Cha

Rob and Amber - OK so he didn't stop when the boys flipped their truck. There were a bunch of other people and it was apparent that everyone was ok. I didn't watch Survivor so don't know all the gameplay going on over there with them, but just loved them. Was disappointed that they left the All Stars so early. Especially losing to Myrna and Schmyrna. Never was too fond of them.

The Brothers from Season 2 - They were fun. Can't think of their names right now, but loved them.

On a side note, if anyone wants to be on the show with me, that'd be cool. The only requirement is that we can't be friends, because people with existing relationships don't always fare as well relationally as those who have "internet" relationships. Something to keep in mind. I am very happily married so you must also be a girl, and like the bungee type activities.

Otherwise, I'll be parked on the couch on the 28th.

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