The Biggest Loser 9-23-08

We begin where we ended. Right after the elimination of the Green team. The Orange team, Heba and her husband thanked everyone for keeping them there and are forming alliances.

Bob came to find out that he'd lost the Green team, and spent some time consoling the teams. Warning them that week two sucks for weight loss. Trying to motivate them on their eating and exercise.

Jillian is going over the plan with the individuals. Telling them they need to step it up. One of the kids freaks, letting out some of the codependency, Jillian counsels. Poorly, saying it's ok to leave a marriage if it's "loveless". I know that's a popular belief. Yes, mom put herself first, but I don't see that putting yourself first makes for a good marriage. Just my commentary.

Interspersed in the show is little tidbits of product placements. We had gum, Subway sandwiches, and Brita pitchers. Jenny O at the grocery store. Ziploc Zip and Steams, were fully explained, as usual, everyone was amazed. Pam was hiding out in the kitchen.

The temptation was an auction. The prize $10,000 if you're right, below the yellow line if you are wrong. Historically, the average weight lost during week two has been 2%. The yellow team bid it up to 2.3% or for them more than 13 pounds in Biggest Loser speak, at least 14 pounds for the rest of us in the english speaking world. Yellow will be getting their butts kicked literally and figuratively by Jillian.

The second week challenge is the gigantic slip and slide. They are calling it the sprint and slide. A slip and slide relay race, they have two minutes to go down the slip and slide and get back up the hill. If they don't make it in two minutes, they are eliminated. Last team standing wins a phone call home. My bet is on the Red Team, the parents with the autistic son. Yellow and Gray dad's still cannot compete, so the kids are going to pick up the slack. Brown went out in one. I was wrong, Red got eliminated in the second round. It comes down to Purple and Orange after 17 rounds. Orange gets the phone call home and give the bonus call home to Red.

Chef Rocco, hey aren't you dancing on the other channel tonight? showed up and showed everyone how to cook healthy.

Who's barfing?

Who's whining? Pink, Brown says they "lost on purpose" because they didn't want to look like a big threat. Gray is whining because they have to cook cauliflower and no one like cauliflower.

Who lost BIG?

Red lost 12 pounds or 2.30%
Brown lost 11 pounds or 2.04%
Orange lost 11 pounds or 1.83%
Pink lost 7 pounds or 1..46
Purple lost 6 pounds or 1.41%
Gray lost 0 that's right ZERO Tom lost 3, LT gained 3 BIG FAT O.

Yellow having the possibility of going home if they don't lose 14 pounds ended up losing 11. They would have been in third place with 1.93% Guess you shouldn't play with fire.

Up for elimination are Gray and Yellow. Both have a team member that is the most unhealthy in Biggest Loser history. Sucks.

Who's going home tonight?

Purple votes Gray
Orange renigs on their promise and votes Gray
Red votes Gray

Buh bye now.

Allison announces that the rest of them are going to the Grand Canyon.

Gray has gotten off their meds that were compensating for their weight. Dad lost 65 pounds. LT lost 81 pounds. Looking good.

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