Criminal Minds 9-24-08

Started late due to Presidential speech. If you didn't DVR CSI New York and still have the opportunity run and do that now. My husband was great and when the President came on he immediately set to record everything on all channels through the rest of the evening. We love him don't we?

Recapping where we left off. Serial killer loose in New York. Cameras have gotten video of all of the killings. If the lady in charge doesn't solve the case Morgan is set to replace her. One of the local cops gets shot. The team figures out it's terrorism. And finally the SUV blows up.

Scattered bits of paper falling from the sky. Slowwwww motion. Hotch holding something, but dazed and confused. See's the car and time resumes. He can't hear. He's got a thing for Kate, now he finally figures out Kate was in the car, was but no longer is. She's been blown down the street, a bloody mess and looking for her purse. She's in shock apparently. And not in pain.

Apparently help isn't coming, because the team figured out they were targeting the first wave of responders. So, the ambulance and fire officials were notified to not respond.

Garcia is calling everyone to see who's missing. Not Reid, not Rossi, not Morgan, not Prentis, not JJ.

The cameras show that the bomb was planted after the car was parked and the bomb setter stopped in the area. All of the cell phones are dead. Morgan pulls the Marine card and gets through the barricade. The unsub is "helping" and tells them "good luck" when he leaves. Morgan gets the call from Garcia and a chase ensues.

Leading Mogan into, no doubt, a first responder ambush. Just shoot the guy already. Meanwhile a paremedic shows up. Shady me thinks. Morgan chases the unsub through the subway and it is Morgan v. unsub who is nowhere to be found. How sexy is Morgan with his gun? Mmm hmm. Now Morgan is in the tunnels. Unsub shows himself, walking on the rails, taunting him and finally doing himself in on the third rail.

Homeland security is revisiting all of the murder sites, nothing. Paramedic still seems shady. Hotch talks his way throught the ER barricade. They get inside and Hotch collapses.

They figure that the profile is wrong. The city is about to get hit. And I was right about the paramedic. He's the bomb maker, and the bomb is in the ambulance that Hotch brought into the hospital. The Secret Service had the hospital on lockdown, meaning someone big is inside, and the place is about to go Kaboom.

Morgan goes downstairs and hotwires the ambulance with the bad guy chasing after him and shooting. Garcia has jammed the cell towers but they only have three minutes. The entire team ends up in the ambulance bay and find all of the Secret Service Men dead in the elevator. The suicide bomber is sitting in the bay holding a knife so he can kill himself as soon as he blows up the ambulance. The entire team is there and can shoot him in the back. The cell service is coming back online and Morgan tells Garcia.... nothing because the ambulance blows up. The paramedic slits his own throat. And we see that Morgan escaped from the ambulance and tells Garcia that she is his "God given solace. Whatever happens don't you ever stop talking to me."

The team is standing over the suicide bomber and it cuts to the interior of the hospital where we find that Kate has died. No tubes inserted for surgery, looking beautiful for being blown to smithereens.

The other good news is the local cop who was shot is alive and well. Prentiss gives him crap about smoking in the hospital. They flirt back and forth even though he's married. She gives him "great seats" to the Mets, and he wonders why she didn't assume he was a Yankees fan.

Morgan drives Hotch back to DC, because Hotch can't fly because of the bomb. Morgan has been requested to run the New York office. Hotch says he has and always will trust his life to Morgan, but asks Morgan if he can return the sentiment.

And roll credits.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this. I work second shift and was fuming when I saw that the program started late and the dvr stopped right when Morgan got down to the ambulance and I was dying to know the rest. Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU! I too lost the last 5 min. of the show due to the Presidential speech.
Darn recession messing up my Criminal Minds.
Perhaps they will do a recap again next week.

Anonymous said...

To reiterate... THANK YOU!!! While America's future financial security is very important, finding out what happens on Criminal Minds was my primary concern... I don't DVR for presidential speeches... I DVR to have a social life AND watch great TV... I would be concerned about this crisis if it were based on an unsub that needed some bad-ass FBI profiling though :) Once again, thanks! Keep this blog going if you can! I've bookmarked it!

Anonymous said...

I'm a Republican and I hated Bush tonight....thanks for the recap, because I missed the last 5 or 10 mins too. People need to pay their damn mortgage so it doesn't interfere with what little I can look forward to!!!

Anonymous said...

I am actually going to copy this for all my friends.

Anonymous said...

There's no such thing as too many "thanks" for posting this for all of us :)
Yep, the President ruined it for me too :(
You're the best!