Criminal Minds 10-8-08

The worst EVER special effect is featured in the opening scene. Hello, is it still 1970.

Prentiss and Reid are off to Colorado, to interview a polygamist who is accused of forcing underage girls to marry older men. Prentiss tells the local not to identify them as FBI agents.

The car pulls up to the ranch, which is gated. The men open the gate, and they pull up to the main compound to speak to the leader. (Played by Luke Perry, who in no way shape or form would have to force any one to marry him. We'd all go willingly.)

He points them towards the school where the girls have been gathered to be interviewed. Reid stays behind to discuss the solar panels on the ranch. The leader asks if he's surprised that they are self sufficient, Reid says "no, impressed." The leader thanks him for admitting it.

The girls give the answer that you would expect. Except when one of the girls admits that she is married to Cyrus. (oops) She says it's an honor to bear his children. Before they can ask anymore questions, the men of the compound burst in with automatic weapons and Cyrus asks them if they have any information about a "raid maybe?" Next scene is several black Suburbans speeding down the road with SWAT coming out in riot gear. They break down the door and report that the school is empty.

Everyone has been forced down into a tunnel. The Police realize that they were expected and fearing the worst the head police guy orders everyone out, where they are met with a whole lot of gunfire. SWAT is trying to break down other doors, without any success. Inside the tunnel Prentiss and Reid discover an arsenal. Cyrus tells the families that God will protect them.

Cyrus goes back above ground and tells his men to cease fire. They cannot hear him because of all of the gun play. The State Police officer that accompanied Reid and Prentiss to the compound says she'll go up and talk to them. Prentiss tries to stop her, before she can get a word out, a bullet gets her in the stomach.

Cyrus gives the police a chance to retreat and they take him up on it. The colony announces that they are gone. Reid whispers "Not for long."

The team shows up, about the same time as the Attorney General for the state, played by (the slacker attorney from Dharma and Greg, he and Greg, I mean Hotch have a fight, FUNNY)

They verify that Reid and Prentiss are ok. Rossi takes them supplies, with bugs in them, the first thing they hear is a "celebration" where they all drink wine. Guess what? Poisoned. Reid and Prentiss did not drink, but we get a close up of all the cute little kids.

Reid and Prentiss also notice that the girl who allegedly called 911 to report that there were underage marriages taking place, worshipped the leader. It was her mother that tried to come between them.

The team is all panicked, they have to go in. "No, we can't people will die." "They are already dieing."

Prentiss and Reid determine that there was no poison. Just a test to see who was going to panic and who would follow to the end. Cyrus confirms it.

Morgan is talking to the former leader. Turns out Cyrus was raised there. When he was 17 he was kicked out for messing with little girls. He came back several years later and forced the leader out. The leader is now in jail for evading taxes and more than willing to help the FBI send that "ungrateful little bastard straight to hell."

Garcia gets info, he had spent time in prison. They deduce that he is worried about returning to prison on child molestation charges. They have to convince him that he would not go to jail.

Just then the news reports that the Attorney General's office has just told them that there are undercover FBI agents inside. Cyrus comes to where Reid and Prentiss are and asks which of them is the FBI agent. He holds a gun to Reid and Prentiss says it's her. Cyrus then grabs Prentiss by the hair and drags her off while the other men hold Reid with automatic weapons.

The team sits by and listens to Prentiss get the crap kicked out of her. She is sending subliminal messages to the team who she knows is listening, telling them not to come in.

Prentiss gets cared for by the mother of the child bride. Prentiss knows that mom is a would be defector, but the mother runs off.

Reid is asked if he knew she was FBI. He says in all the time he'd worked with Nancy, the local police who was killed, she'd never lied to him. Reid is offering tips on how to test the FBI to see if they are honest. It would require them to release Prentiss and a kid. They don't want to but he reason's that it is only one kid and it will be a good exchange for information. Cyrus offers up the orphan if they tell the identity of the FBI agent. The team was listening so they know what Reid had told them.

Morgan goes to get the girl that released. Rossi tells Cyrus that her name is Emily Prentiss. They assemble everyone in the chapel. Reid sees Prentiss and apologizes. They start reading names, Reid says it's the names of those who failed the loyalty test. Cyrus tells the ones whose names ere called to get their belongings and he releases them. Cyrus then asks for 'fried chicken with all the fixins". Sounds like a last meal request to me.

Reid communicates to the team that he is looking for a sign as to when they are coming.

They scribble a note on the Fried Chicken fixins that are coming in. 3 a.m. Prentiss sticks her foot on the window to indicate where she is in the building. Morgan goes and signals to her that they are coming at three. The mom of the child bride comes to speak to Prentiss. Prentiss tells her that Cyrus is planning a mass suicide and that she knows that the mom made the 911 call. The mom says it's all her fault, she wanted to save her daughter. Prentiss tells her that the FBI is coming and that she needs to squirrel them away in the tunnels just before then. The mom leaves without saying anything.

She passes the men laying dynamite on the stairs. Rossi and Morgan are getting on their rito gear, the mom goes to start waking the children. She tells her daughter to get the women and children to the tunnels. The mom then goes to tell Prentiss that it's about to happen. Prentiss goes to find Reid. Cyrus then goes and starts shooting into the air. About that time the FBI goes in and starts picking them men off one by one. Morgan runs into Prentiss and the women and children. The child bride freaks and breaks off to go warn Cyrus.

Cyrus accuses Reid of trying to convert his brothers because he's quoting scripture. The FBI comes in and shoots the men. The child bride picks up the remote and triggers it. Reid and Morgan were inside but are ok. The child bride is the only child not to make it.

"Reason is not automatic, those who deny it cannot be conquered by it." Ayn Rand

Prentiss assures Reid that what happened to her was not his fault and they share a little moment of hand touching.

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