Bionic Woman

Who doesn't want to be Jamie Somers? That girl can kick some serious tail. But come on, "The Rules"? isn't that so ten years ago? Good thing she's not a perfect student or her CIA hotty would be dead.

Also, leaving a teenager home alone is code for PARTY. It was good of bossman to cover it up though. How'd he get to Paris so fast after posting bail for little sister? It takes the rest of us longer to get through security.

Ah, but Paris, the city of love. A perfect place to break "The Rules" and who didn't see CIA hotty falling for our bionic girl wonder. She's much better off dodging bullets with hotty here than with Dr. Frankestein and his anthrocites (don't quote me on that, if I'm wrong I'll amend.)

Where has bionic woman number one been? When will Isaiah Washington be revealed as a spy? Is hotty gonna freak when he finds out that he's dating a $50 million weapon?

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