Journeyman 11/5/07

Jack is watching Zach while Dan and Katie go to a Correspondents Dinner. Dan and Katie had a wonderful time, but forgot to leave dinner plans for the Vasser boys. Zach informs Uncle Jack that Dad has "monopoly money" in the closet so they can order pizza. Jack, like any good sitter, snoops and finds the $100 or so thousand dollars that Dan got from the missing plane hijacker. Jack takes a Benjamin to do some detective work on, and the boys enjoy an enjoyable dinner of chili dogs.

When Dan and Katie return home, Katie tells Dan she'd like to go back to work. (Didn't tell him she's already interviewing) Dan says we'll talk about it when I finish the recycling. But before they can, Dan, while taking out the recycling (Thanks NBC for going Green this week), gets sucked back to 1999.

He finds himself asleep in the backseat of a car. Surprised driver thinks he's getting carjacked. But wait, Dan is there to stop him from being carjacked by the punks really intending to carjack him. Oh no, surprised driver gets shot and carjackers find Dan's press pass.

Later at the hospital 2007 Dan calls 1999 Jack to find out why someone is trying to shoot surprised driver. He's the ONLY witness against some gang, court is tomorrow. Will Dan have to spend the night in 1999? Driver has to get to court. 2007 Dan goes to 1999 Dan's apartment, only to find it ransacked. He's not there to protect the driver/witness, he's there to protect his future.

Dan's dead fiance'/co-journeyer, has to help him get with his future wife. So 2007 Dan and dead Liv follow 1999 Dan around, oh yeah Dan has a gambling problem that Katie saves him from. Oh no, apartment ransacker stole $20,000 cash from 1999 Dan's apartment. Where or where will they get the money. Liv gets sucked into 2007 Dan and Katies closet, where she overhears Katie and Jack arguing about the money in the closet. Liv takes the money and vanishes back to 1999. Katie's wondering where the 100 large went.

A little time travel note before we go on. We can determine that Dan and Katie do get together because Liv couldn't have journeyed into their house had they not.

Now 2007 Dan has to beat up 1999 Dan, get him back to 1999 Dan's apartment, get back to the illicit poker game, follow the carjacker/apartment ransacker to the hospital, foil carjackers attempt to kill the driver/witness, get back to the poker game, launder $20,000 hijacking money, drink himself blind, wait for Katie, and find a clever way to "disappear" before she sees him with his 1999 self. Whoa, you thought you had a rough job.

We see 1999 Katie watching 1999 Dan sleep it off. We fade to 2007 Dan watching 2007 Katie sleep. AAAAHHHH poetic. But wait there's more. The FBI is at Jack's desk wondering where he got this flagged $100 bill. Jack holds firm for all of 30 seconds, he can't disclose his informant, oh yes he can. "I got it from my brother."

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