Life 12/5/07

Ok, now what? Crews solved the crime and caught the guy that he did twelve years in prison for. It turns out it was his new partners, dad's CI, (or confidential informant). And the biggest shocker of all. The CI had been raising the daughter of the people he murdered. Only slightly less shocking, the CI had found Jesus and had been a televangelist for the last 10 years. OH MY.

So, the criminal is caught. But during the confession, he admitted to killing those people, but he did not set Crews up. Of course we know who did? Crews' partner's dad. Keeping Crews from hauling daddy in, the information that daddy knows where Crews' friend's daughter is. That'll keep the closet crime solving in full gear, once the writer's strike is over.

The Zen moment of the week, useful exercises for Zennies. Dig a hole. Fill it up.

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