Criminal Minds 11/14/07

ARE YOU FREAKIN' KIDDING ME????? Garcia got shot. Garcia who sits in a giant computer room, and were she a guy, be doin' time for sexual harassment.

So, I'm not going to retell the gruesomeness that was this weeks episode. Just what we've learned from it.

1. Guys who were sexually abused by priests, don't really like priests.

2. Don't eat meat you didn't buy yourself.

So, back to Garcia. First time we see her this episode she walks in to a coffee shop, and asks for her usual. To spare you some grief, I'll not the obvious foreshadowing. Her usual, setting us up to say DUH, at the end of this episode. Anyway, she's getting her coffee and some "smokin' hot" (her words honey,) guy is cursing his laptop. Garcia being Garcia, steps in and fixes is hasta pronto. He gives her his card and comments that they should do lunch, she writes down her number and off she goes.

Back at the office, the target of most, if not all of her sexual harassment says good morning to her. She says "morning" and NOTHING else. He stops her and gives her the third degree. She explains some guy picked her up, something that never happens. People have to get to know her before they ask her out. Morgan tells her she should trust her gut, and if her gut says no, she should drop it.

The team is off to Florida to rid the world of evil. Meanwhile, computer coffee shop guy calls Garcia and gets her usual witty banter, he asks to change the "lunch" to "dinner", she starts coughing and says she's not feeling well, she'll let him know. Hanging up and discovering that the most recent serial killer has at least ten victims. She calls Morgan and has what to most of us would be a normal conversation. Morgan calls her on it and she gets pissed that even if he wouldn't cross a crowded room to ask her out someone else might. Garcia then informs Morgan that he sucks and hangs up on him. WHAT?

So, Garcia goes out with coffee shop dude and the big goodbye moment is the goin' in for a kiss that turns out to really be a hug. Then he turns and says "Garcia, I've been waiting all night to do this" or something equally sappy, and shoots her.

Another, can't believe I didn't catch that, moment, he calls her Garcia.

I have no comment. I'm heartbroken. Wish CBS would pay better, or stars would realize that they have a great part and great writers and stay put. You probably won't be any good in the movies. Sorry, but let's take a trip down memory lane. Rob Morrow. David Carusso. The guy who played Speedle. Mandy Patinkin is the exception, but he's really awesome, and ADD apparently because he's gone again. When your banned from tv clause runs out, this show will be gone, and no one will remember you. So please don't die Garcia.

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