Burn Notice 9-18-08

Oh they tricked us, it is the summer finale' not the season two finale'. Phew, now on to the recap...

OK, so if you are familiar with the show, you are familiar with the formula. Michael and Sam are working on the big picture of the Burn Notice, and resolving it so that Michael can get his life back. Then some poor sap needs help, Michael says 'don't think so' then the water works start and he feels there is no way he can't.

This poor sap happens to be a referral from Fi's new attempt to incite Michael into loving her boyfriend, Campbell. As you'll remember Campbell is a paramedic who has offered his ambulatory services in the past to help the team. This time, Campbell, picked up a patient who had just gotten beat up. He was a security guard hired by a Venezuelan oil cartel to watch his beloved daughter.

Client, scared. Michael calm. Micheal having Sam watch the Burn Notice case. Fi helping Michael with the sob story case. It is sooooooo obvious that Fi is trying to get Michael to admit that he loves her and beg her to leave Campbell. Michael doesn't have the time or inclination to love Fi and subject her to the dangers his enemies would pose to her. Think Spiderman/Peter Parker/ Mary Jane.

So, Michael plays a drunken security guard assigned to the Venezuelan oil cartel daughter. He tries to get them to call off the kidnapping. But the team discovers it is much bigger than kidnapping some brat for Daddy's money. It is an international what not that will have world wide ramifications if the girl doesn't end up being taken by the bad guys.

How does Michael get out of this one? He finds God on late night tv. He calls the bad guy at three in the morning saying he's come to terms with his bad self and hopes that God can forgive him. He's on the phone with the bad guy, but speaking to Fi when he says Proverbs 27:12 that's you and me, iron sharpens iron. Everything up to this point has been a test and I've failed. Well, I'm done failing, I'm going to do the right thing. (Just kiss her already.....)

The next morning Michael meets with the bad guy and finally gets him to call off the job. Bad guy leaves, Michael walks to car where a bad guy who was working for the bad guy trying to kill him. Michael of course fights him off, and in the middle of his speech about how he's not going to kill the bad guy he gets a call from the client who tells him the job is still on.

At this point there is only about ten minutes left in the show. How on earth are we going to wrap up the burn notice thingy, get Michael and Fi to kiss, save the Venezuelan oil princess and get Michael's brother out of jail...oops let's go back.

Michael's brother, the deadbeat criminal, opens up a limo service with money provided from the equity in Mom's house. Right before the last commercial break, mom calls, the brother is getting arrested for money laundering stuff through his limo company. Mom knows all about it because Carla called and told her. Yes, the same Carla who is Michael's burn notice handler. sooo now that we're back up to speed.

Sam, Michael and Fi follow Carla to the docks where the sniper is about to kill someone. Michael figures out that it's a set up to keep him from being somewhere else. Sam runs to check on the sniper while Fi helps Michael get away to go back to his place and pick up a security badge he's hidden in his apartment. Michael is about to walk into his apartment when he gets a call from Sam, the sniper is dead, someone rigged his front door and blew up his house. Sllllloooooowwwww motion, Michael is opening his door, jumps off his balcony. KABOOM. The End.

I KNOW. But luckily, there are five more episodes on IMDB. USA Networks website says new episodes coming this "winter" there aren't any dates I could find, but thank to good Lord we don't have to wait until July.

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