Worst Week 9-22-08

The series premiere of one of the worst titled shows this season.

The show starts with them the couple, Mel and Sam, planning a weekend to meet her parents. He is recording a message on the answering machine, where he leaves a message announcing that they are going out of town to visit her parents to tell them they are getting married because she's pregnant. She stops him to argue the finer points of their day and are interrupted by the phone ringing, guess who? Her dad. They scramble to find the phone before he gets the message.

She is leaving earlier in the day, because he has to stay behind for a company party. Girlfriend is reminding him how important the night is, while the boyfriend is getting hit on by a co-worker.

Next scene shows him leaving the bar, and almost getting hit by the woman who was hitting on him. He decides to "see her home" because she is super drunk. He gets into a cab with her and oops she barfs on him, while on the way to meet the parents. Cabbie gets upset and dumps them in the middle of nowhere, and now she's six miles from home, drunk and passed out, he decides to drag her, in the rain. Now he's barfed on, wet and late. Dinner is over and he's in the shower in the aprtment of weird woman and there are no towels, anywhere. She's still passed out. He's naked, she wakes up screaming. Now he's outside wet and naked, digging through the trash. His phone is on the inside of drunk girls apartment. He wraps himself in a trash bag and high tails it to the parents house. In a trash bag diaper, and asks 'dad' to pay for $80 cab ride. He lies about the whole ordeal.

Then the lights go out. Breaker trips, Sam has to go to the bathroom, but being unfamiliar with the parents house, accidentally goes to the the kitchen, and when I say goes to, I mean goes in. He pees on the birthday dinner duck, and gets caught when the lights come on. Spills the pee pot and when dad returns, he slips and falls in it.

Next morning at the parents house, Sam and Mel discuss the "announcement" Mel is upset with the incident the night before. She teases him and he says "shut up or I'll punch you in the face." Right when mom and dad return from the ER. Dad has a concussion but decides to go about his day. Dad gets a little dizzy and falls in down in front, of all places, a funeral home.

The funeral home director then calls the house, who picks up? That's right, Sam. The funeral home guy tells him that "judge Clayton collapsed in the street."

Sam then tells his girlfriend and her mom that "Dick's dead." Which of course he's not. He just collapsed. A whole comedy conundrum. Mom is upset that Sam killed Dick.

Sam goes to identify the body, and finds the Dad's glasses. Never actually seeing the body, identifies it by the glasses on the table. Which of course were forgotten by Dick when he left.

Sam then has to call Mel's brother in Nairobi. A bad connection causes Sam to have to yell. "Your Dad is dead" about a thousand times. Upsetting Mom, who now needs her valium scrip refilled. Rushing to the pharmacy, Sam hits Dick's car and the airbag causes him to pass out. Sam then drags Dad's lifeless body into the house where Mom freaks and faints.

OK so Dad is alive. Mel declares her love for Sam, even though he has his doubts about how well he fits in the family. While they are discussing it the lights go out again. Sam goes to fix it and starts a fire. Burning up the mothers birthday gift to her husband. A portrait that took over a year to paint.

That's it for this week. Actually, based on that.... that's it for this series.

1 comment:

Tracey said...

I agree...especially since it's up against Dancing With the Stars.