The DVR has got to be the best tv related invention ever. Even more so than the remote control. I could live without a remote, but could never watch all of this tv without my beloved digital video recorder.

We got our DVR through our cable provider, I'm so glad we did, because we've already burned out two of them. Guess what, they bring you another one for free, the rental fee is about the same as the monthly service on the Tivo, but no hardware to buy.

My only gripe about the DVR is not about the DVR itself, it's about the networks. They've evolved and now they start and end their programs at odd times. They know that DVR's are not capable of recording more than two programs at a time. This becomes a problem when you are recording two show at 8:00 and a third show starts at 8:59. It shuts them all down. So, someone come up with something to fix this, or maybe I'll watch less tv.

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